Dear Customer,


To curb the menace of Unsolicited Commercial Communication (UCC), Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) issued the Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference Regulations 2018 (TCCCPR 2018) on 19th July 2018. As per the regulatory framework, any commercial communication may only take place using registered Headers assigned to the Principal Entities (PEs) for this purpose. Header means an alphanumeric string assigned to PEs under these regulations to send commercial communications.


On 16th Feb 2023, TRAI issued a Direction to curb the misuse of Headers registered by the PEs on the DLT platform for sending communication to the customers. The copy of the Direction is enclosed for your perusal.


As per the Direction, on the temporary suspension of headers which remain unused by the PEs in the last thirty days i.e. month of October, 2023. PEs can reactivate the Headers through an online mechanism.

Suspension of headers for October, 2023 will be held on 22nd November,2023.

This activity is common across all TSPs and would be carried out regularly by all TSPs.


Action by the Principal Entity: Reactivate the Headers which get temporarily suspended by TSPs due to non-usage during the last thirty days.


Your support and cooperation are highly appreciated. Please feel free to get in touch with us for any further queries.


Helpline no: 9619500900
Email id: